Chiropractic is a profession that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions
Dr. Junyup Lee D.C. MS
There is an emphasis on integrative care, bringing in all disciplines for the benefit of the patient.
we specialize in natural health care without the use of drugs or surgery
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we specialize in natural health care without the use of drugs or surgery
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We Specialize in
Neck and back pain care, pediatric care, athletic care, auto accident, prenatal care without the use of drugs or surgery which keeps the spine aligned by allowing the nerves to feed the various organs and prevent pain and discomfort. +Learn more

Back pain is said to be multi-factorial and multi-etiological. It means that it has many causes and there are many reasons for it. Much has been written about back pain and its causes. Details

Swimmers, Cyclist, Runners, and Athletes on the court and the field develop speed, strength, endurance, mobility, and flexibility; the absolute best care possible. Details

When one automobile is struck by another, thousands of pounds of force are exerted on the neck and spine. Details

JYLee chiropractic provides you the natural way to relieve headache, back, neck or joint pain during pregnancy as well as giving you the benefit of maintaining a healthier pregnancy. Details