Know your spine
The spine is one of the most vital parts of the human body, as it supplies all of our vital organs with information from the central nervous system.
Upper Neck, Upper Cervical Spine (C1 – C2)
Head, face, upper neck, inner & middle ear, sympathetic nerve system, sinuses, eyes, auditory nerves and more.
Mid/Lower Neck, Cervical Spine (C3 – C7)
Neck, shoulders, thyroid, tonsils, teeth, outer ear, nose, mouth, vocal cords, and more.
Mid Back, Thoracic Spine (T1 – T12)
Arms, hands, heart, coronary arteries, esophagus, trachea, lungs, bronchial tubes, gallbladder, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, ureters, adrenal glands, small intestines, and more.
Lower Back, Lumbar Spine (L1 – L5)
Large intestines, appendix, abdomen, bladder, reproductive organs, lower back, lower extremities, ankles, feet, and more.
Basebone or Tailbone, Sacrum and Coccyx
Hip bones, tail bone, buttocks, rectum, anus, and more.